Without the kind donations we receive we simply could not continue to provide this service.
We would sincerely like to thank everyone who has donated or sponsored us in some way. Every donation no matter how small counts and every cent of this money goes towards the running of the service.
All of our Volunteers are unpaid and give up their time to volunteer for Blood Bike Mid West.
Bucket collections and donations have allowed us to develop from nothing to a 24/7 Emergency call out service.
These donations have helped us to secure three blood bike’s and a support van.
These vehicles are fully kitted for the transportation of blood and blood products and are in use constantly serving the mid-west region.
These donations have helped us to secure three blood bike’s and a support van.
These vehicles are fully kitted for the transportation of blood and blood products and are in use constantly serving the mid-west region.
If you feel you can help - please contact us.
If you would like to Donate online, please visit our iDonate page.